A film premiere red carpet is a traditional backdrop where celebrities, directors, and producers make their grand entrance before a movie screening.  The red carpet recent for Mission From Outer Space, is labeled as a test screening more than a premier and is a way to honor distinguished people and create iconic moments that are often featured in entertainment news and get feedback before the final cut is made for distribution. 

Here are some things that happen at Mission From Outer Space 2037 "Red Carpet.

Celebrity arrivals

Celebrities are escorted to a designated spot on the carpet for photos with press photographers. 

Interviews and autographs

Actors walk the red carpet and sign autographs for fans while giving interviews. 

The first red carpet movie premiere took place in 1922 at the Egyptian Theatre in Los Angeles for the release of Robin Hood. The red carpet became synonymous with film premieres by the late 1920s. 

A note from Michael Contreras

Hi Shawn, 

Once again, it was nice to finally meet you and your family at the MFOS red carpet event. I appreciate our communication via Facebook over the years as well.

So, it should come as no surprise that I’ve dreamed up movie ideas over the years. I had forgotten about one of them…until seeing MFOS. In particular, the interaction between Alexis Arnold and EmmaRain reminded me. Their scenes together were truly magical, particularly because their acting was so convincing and that matters of faith were involved. Alexis’s performance during the car crash scene choked me up, not only because her acting was on point, but probably because I have a young daughter myself.  

A note from actor Brain WatsoN

Enjoyed your last film, your best on cinematography and music. 

You had some new actors that have really good performances, I really liked Josh Peri and the Frenchman-I don’t know his name.

As I watched your film I thought your 2 antagonists Tom and Andi, were believable bad guys, but they were also likable, a must. 

Further, at the end of the film as these characters died , they both became sympathetic, with even a theme of redemption? Great work. 

Very nice character arcs!

In the cinematography you hit a higher level in this film with combination use of lighting, shadow, darkness, fog and focus-nonfocus which set a lot of very nice moods in the various scenes.

I was able to discuss these points with Tom, after the screening, which was fun.

And of course seeing Lee Majors is always special.


Congratulations on your screening - your freakin' shots are amazing - Your Daughter has such an intense presence - She was captivating in every scene - kick ass, Buddy